четвртак, 8. октобар 2009.

среда, 7. октобар 2009.


Not existing word from:

cactus (kāk'təs)
noun, plural cacti (-tī') or cactuses

  1. Any of various succulent, spiny, usually leafless plants native mostly to arid regions of the New World, having variously colored, often showy flowers with numerous stamens and petals.

  2. Any of several similar plants.

1607, from Latin cactus "cardoon", from Greek "kaktos", name of a type of prickly plant of Sicily (the Spanish artichoke). Modern meaning is 18c., because Linnaeus gave the name to a group of plants he thought were related to this but are not.

-arium a suffix occurring in loanwords from Latin, which often denote a location or receptacle (armarium; caldarium; solarium; vivarium). It has limited productivity in English, esp. in words denoting an artificial environment for plants or animals, on the model of vivarium or herbarium: aquarium; insectarium; terrarium.

Cactusarium - my place where i grow cactuses.